The New Year is here! Happy New Year to you and your family! We hope yours is off to a wonderful start! So, we're curious, do you set a New Year's Resolution? Well, if you do, you're in luck, because we have a few tips to help you set, refine, and stick to yours!

We know that can be a challenge for all of us, no matter how motivated you are, to stick to a resolution. As many people do in the New Year, you may be reflecting back about the last year and setting some goals or creating a vision for 2018. As you are doing so, we have a few tips to help you. Setting a resolution to us it a bit more like setting some goals, but ones that we really want to reach and will stay motivated to work towards for the long haul. That's why, when choosing a resolution, we suggest that you:

- KEEP IT SIMPLE! Why? Because you want to be able to reach your goals and not get discouraged in a few weeks when you're not anywhere near starting that darn resolution. How do you do that?
- Set Simple, yet Realistic Goals - Choose goals that are simple enough to be attainable, but still will cause you to stretch and challenge yourself to reach them. It is more fun when you push yourself to reach them!
- Break it Down - A great way to do this is to set small, or micro, goals in a few areas of you life, like health, finances, and relationships. This may help you to stay motivated because you can work on a few smaller goals rather than something so big that it is too hard to break down into simple steps you can take to get there!
- Enlist a Friend - Setting and reaching goals is always more fun if you have someone working alongside you on their own, possibly similar goals. Why not ask your best friend, partner, Mom or sibling to join you so that you can keep each other accountable, which leads to greater success! Harder to forget that resolution when you have someone you care about to check in with and help you when you hit a bump in the road!
We sincerely hope these tips help you to finally (We've been there! We get it!) have a year when you follow and achieve your resolution so that you can have a wonderful year! We'll plan to check back in in a month or so and see how your year is going so far...think of us as your online accountability partners! We wish you clear mind as you work to set your goals and much luck keeping and meeting your resolutions. Have a fantastic start to 2018!