What are your family's favorite ways to enjoy the changing of the seasons? While we all may be sad to see the warm summer weather fading and fall colors starting, there are so many things to look forward to in the fall! Our family's September flew by with school starting and fall sports, so now that fall is in full swing, we are ready to enjoy it! Here are some of our favorites, and our hope is that you find a way to fit some of them into your plans to make the most of this beautiful season:
1. Enjoy Seasonal Goodies - Apple picking anyone? This is a favorite of many families with kids, and for good reason - who doesn't like plucking a fresh apple off of a tree and taking a bite? Plus, while you're there, you most likely can also find a few other fall goodies, like pumpkins for carving, squash and root veggies for some tasty dinners, and maybe even some apple cider and homemade treats! Sounds like a perfect outing for any family!
2. Get Outside & Move - A fall hike, football game, or bike ride, anyone? This season is the perfect time of year to head outside for some fun fitness with your family and friends! The crispness in the air and the cooler temps make it perfect for fresh air and exercise. Do you know what the best part is? Since everyone will be too busy enjoying the beautiful scenery and having fun, you'll easily forget that you are staying in shape and doing something good for your and your family's and body, mind, and soul!
3. Bundle Up in Cozy Clothes - This time of year, when the temperatures fall and the sun goes down earlier, we all can look forward to pulling out warmer clothes for cooler weather. You know what that means - wearing our favorite sweaters and boots, scarves and mittens, all of which have been hibernating for the summer. Our kids love pulling out their cozy fleece coats and pull on boots, and then heading out to tromp through the leaves, and we parents do, too. What better way to enjoy some family time than enjoying fall leaves wearing your cozy favorites!
4. Rake Some Leaves - As soon as summer winds down, our kids always start getting excited about the upcoming season, which for our youngest, a 41/2-year-old, means leaf piles to jump in - the bigger the better! Not only is leaf raking something fun for the whole family to do together, working to make a fun pile to jump in, but the extra bonus is that it is great exercise that will strengthen your arms, shoulders, and back, as well as burn some calories! now you won't have to worry about enjoying some apple pie!
5. Boost Your Family's Health - The great news about staying healthy is that many fun fall activities listed above already are good for you - eating seasonal produce, exercising, and having fun doing so. That being said, fall and the coming winter mean more hours spent indoors, which also can lead to occasional colds and flues. But what if that wasn't the case - wouldn't that be wonderful? It can be! We have found that taking some simple steps, such as taking a good quality whole foods multivitamin, eating well, exercising, keeping household germs at bay using a natural surface cleaner, as well as adding a few things to offer immune support, such as elderberry syrup and essential oils, makes a big difference in our family's health. Here is a great blog that details all of the ways that we support our bodies and stay healthier all winter long. It will be so very worth the effort to stay as cold and flu free as possible this winter!
What are you waiting for? It is time to get out there and have a fantastically fun fall with your family, friends, and loved ones. Can't wait to hear all about it, so do come back and share what your family's favorites are in the comments. Happy fall!