Going to the beach is no longer just a fun way to spend the day that we all enjoy - it's also scientifically proven there are many wonderful health benefits you get when you spend a day at the ocean! If you happen to live close to the ocean, we'd highly recommended to schedule it in your calendar as many times as possible this summer, because here are the top 7 health benefits we uncovered in our research.
1. Natural Anxiety and Stress Reliever - What is the first thing you do when you get to the ocean? You take a deep breath in and exhale. Why? The beach is relaxing! You will never hear anyone complain about an exhausting, energy draining day at the beach! Breathing in deeply is a natural response your body has from all the life stress that's been building up in your system, especially since visiting the ocean has natural calming effects on your body. The sound of the waves even puts your heart rhythm at a healthy pace! The term, "stress kills" isn't just a term, it's a fact. The everyday circumstances of life simply put stress on your mind and body. Going to the ocean relieves your stress and resets your immune system to operate at a healthy level again. Your breathing pace is also regulated by the waves, so take a walk, pull up a towel or a chair and begin to breath in all the benefits the ocean has to offer!
2. Sunshine Provides a Vitamin Boost - Most of us have heard of the winter blues, also called seasonal affective disporder (SAD), a mood disorder that happens in the winter months because we lack vitamin D due to fewer daylight hours. You can catch up on vitamin D by spending a few days at the ocean, because the best ways to up your daily dose of Vitamin D is to just get out in the sun! When your skin is exposed to UVB radiation from sunlight, previtamin D is formed before being shuttled into the bloodstream. From there, it is quickly moved to the liver and converted to vitamin D. In addition to improving your mood, Vitamin D helps build strong, healthy bones and teeth, improves muscle function and prevents cardiovascular disease, just to name a few benefits.
3. Grounding or Earthing - The terms "earthing" and "grounding", which are interchangeable, mean simply the act of placing your bare feet on the earth, or walking barefoot. When you do, free electrons are transferred from the earth into your body, and this grounding effect is one of the most potent antioxidants we know of. Grounding also helps to alleviate inflammation which is origin of every disease. Unfortunately, few people ever walk barefoot anymore to experience it, so the beach is the perfect place to get caught up on this much needed health boosting activity. Grounding has numerous benefits, aside from creating a general feeling of well-being. For example, walking barefoot can help combat the constant assault of electromagnetic fields and other types of radiation from cell phones, computers and Wi-Fi, which we are all clearly exposed to so frequently these days. By going to the ocean barefoot, touching the earth, and allowing the excess charge in your body to discharge into the earth, you can alleviate some of the stress put on your system. Such wonderful benefits grounding has on your entire system and cells!
4. Beauty and the Beach - Since everyone wants to look and feel more beautiful (or handsome, if you're a male), it is worth noting that the beach and ocean water alone have such positive benefits on the overall health and appearance of our skin. We’re not talking about baking yourself in the sun until you have alligator skin with a glow (always wear sunscreen, of course!), but rather we’re talking about the antibacterial and detoxification properties the ocean environment provides, such as:
Exfoliate – the sand does an amazing job exfoliating our feet, hands, and body. Nothing removes dead skin cells quite like course bits of sand does!
Detoxify – once the warm sun opens up our pores, the salt water is then able to go in and pull out the toxins. No more blemishes, uneven skin, or excess oils!
Antibacterial – next, the iodine and salt in the water work to completely destroy bacteria and fungi on your skin that cause breakouts. No wonder your skin feels so soft and smooth after a dip in the ocean waters!
5. Magnesium - Also an important part of skin health, but in a category of its own, is magnesium! Sea water and sand are a great source of magnesium, and it is often better to get magnesium transdermally (through the skin). Unfortunately, magnesium is often not well absorbed by the digestive track, and is even more difficult to absorb in this way for those who are low in vitamin D, (which is another reason being at the ocean goes hand in hand, giving you a vitamin D boost along with magnesium), have poor gut bacteria, or suffer from a number of other health conditions.
Since the salt water itself is detoxifying and helps pull impurities from the body and skin, salt water inhibits bacterial growth and skin infections. Seawater also helps preserve the elasticity of the skin due to this magnesium content, which helps to moisturize your skin, giving you extra anti-aging benefits as well!
6. Sleep Better - For those of us who suffer from insomnia or just have a hard time sleeping, a day at the beach is just what the doctor ordered. If you've ever wondered why we always sleep more soundly after spending the day on the beach, it's because of the sea air. Sea air is charged with healthy negative ions that accelerate our ability to absorb oxygen. Negative ions also balance levels of serotonin and hormones, giving you a deeper more balanced ability to get good nights sleep!
7. Spiritual Benefits - Whether you are a spiritual person or not, you must admit there's just something special about being at the ocean that gives you that sense of peace that surpasses all earthly understanding. If you are a believer in God and read the bible, Genesis 1:2 states, "The spirit of God hovers and moves over the surface of the waters." Many people can sense a deeper mental clarity and feel their creativity flow stronger than ever when they are at the ocean. If you ever need a place to go clear your head so you can have better concentration, a day at the beach may be just what you need.
So there you have it - 7 reason to pack up for a day and head to the ocean. Relax, breath and let the natural benefits of the beach pamper you back to health in mind, body and spirit!